Saturday, March 7, 2009

Urban Homestead

What really amazes me about this whole story is the fact that people can create kind of like a little farm in the middle of a urban suburb. The fact that these people are basically self dependent in our 21st century today. I think if the Dervaes family did a Wants Sheet they would have things like, more land so that they could grow more food and herbs. Another thing i think they would want is more tools for the garden so that they could be more time sufficient. I believe that more people in our culture today would accomplish things like that if they weren't so damn lazy.


  1. I think it’s really interesting how you mentioned that they are “self dependent” because I hadn’t really realized that before and it opened my eyes to what the world would be like if we were all self dependent for our food, and how we could go against “Taker” society and become more sustainable too.

  2. I really found the fact that you find people these days "so damn lazy". It really struck me, mainly because I have been seeing this more and more. People just....not caring and just becoming more and more lazy. Its nice to know that I'm not the only one who sees this.
