Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wex- I Believe

They told us she only had one more month left to live. When my family herd that im pretty sure every ones hearts sank. The doctors said that the treatment wasn’t working at all and the cancer wasn’t just in her chest, now is was spreading through out her whole body. From that day on we all hoped, prayed, and wished that she would get better. For weeks we all walked on egg shells thinking to our self’s ok it’s been about a month, that day is coming soon. Then one day we got a call from the doctors and they told us “we put her on a new medications and she now has about six more months to live”. The day my grandmother got to live is when I said to myself, “I believe in miracles”.

Wex- That feeling

My body started to shake and my heart wouldn’t stop pounding. I had never had this feeling before. It was so confusing one moment you are walking on water and then the next step you take you feel like you have fallin down twelve flights of stairs. I sat there and asked my self what was the matter, and this voice told me it was this little thing called love. Have you ever felt that you really love someone with your whole heart? Yet what happens when that person doesn’t love you back. It’s the worst feeling in the world that I’ve ever felt. You feel like you have literally given someone everything and they just threw it always.

Wex- Free Write

The martinis are dry and strong. The phone rang a countless amount of times. She refused to answer the phone. When she finally picked up the screams of her maid came through the phone like boulders. As she drove past her fathers body guards, there stood behind them her fathers jet black range rover, with shot out tires and too many bullet holes to count. She felt the tears run down her face with a slight burn. Her heart seemed to stop at a quick halt. You could see the horrified look on her face, and her eyes filled with so many emotions fear, hurt, and hope. But the first thing that came to her mind when she saw the car was when she walked out of the house earlier that morning she forgot to say “ I love you dad”.