Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ecological intelligence

Ecological intelligence is being aware of the way we use our planets resources today. Knowing that our planet is eventually going to run out of resources one day, and we need to use them wisely as we have them. It also has to do with the concept of "Going Green". This article relates to our project because it talks about ways to help the environment and "Go Green" and the main idea our project is to promote that. My ecological intelligence is definitely not very high up there, I would love to get more involved in activities in my community and become more "Green".


  1. I like your post because it is straigh forward about our planet potentially running out of resources one day. nice job!
    also, nice picture :)


  2. lol i like how you said "My ecological intelligence is definitely not very high up there" because im pretty sure that none of us are really informed very much even though we all wish we could do more to help.

  3. I agree with your definition of ecological intelligence, and why we should start conserving our resources.

  4. I never knew what ecological intelligence was before you mentioned it here, and I think you did a great job defining it and showing examples of what it is, and how you feel about it.
